El Libro De Arte

To Be En Fluency Art Book is designed to work with both Level I and Level II Spanish conversation. The main characters from all the stories are in El Libro de Arte (the art book). The colorful images and the action scenes are for your conversation experience. Timoteo el mono, Chito la iguana, Hans and Sofía la ardilla, El Cangrejo rojo are just a few of stars of the show!

In this art book you will find an incredible display of the turtle family, who become the center point for learning Ser. La familia Tortuga is our Cuban/American family who transitions us into conversing about our own family. From day one you leave speaking Spanish with MLI.

Fluency Booster Sessions: At your own pace, bring in MLI to work with you and/or your language learner class for 1 hour fluency booster sessions. Each session is $75.00 (one student) and $120 (if there are two or more students).

Spanish For The Workplace: We can design the class for your specific work needs. If your company wants to provide a great opportunity for staff and help them gain fluency, we can help you! We meet with you, target your goals for the program, translate materials for work needs, create a great wellness opportunity for your staff, teach at your site, and you learn Spanish for the workplace. Contact us for a quote today.

Family travel classes, tutoring, and Spanish for the work place available. Program can be designed for your specific needs. Contact us for a quote today.